Xbox One, S, X White Light, Powers Off Repair UK


Xbox One, S, or X White Light Powers Off?

Are you having the frustrating issue with your Xbox One, S, or X console powers off with a white light? If so, you are not alone, we have been more frequently seeing consoles in for repair because of this issue, and at Atlantis we can help fix it!

Postal Repair

While we know having a broken gaming consoles can be very frustrating, Atlantis Xbox Repairs we try to keep things simple. If you live local to Canterbury, you are welcome to bring your console to us for your repair; but if you live anywhere else in the UK we provide free postal repair services. All you have to do it place the order and we will send a free postal label via email.


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Xbox One, S, and X consoles experiencing the issue where they display a white light and then power off
Xbox One, S, X White Light, Powers Off Repair UK £60.00
Xbox One, S, and X consoles experiencing the issue where they display a white light and then power off
Xbox One, S, X White Light, Powers Off Repair UK
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Source of Xbox White Light Fault Issue: Defective MOSFETs

Often, the reason your Xbox One, S, or X console has the white light power issue, is because of MOSFETs. MOSFETs can break and cause the console to turn off.
We can find out if this is the problem and fix it at Atlantis. Our experts know how to do this repair using special tools to replace the broken MOSFETs. We take out the bad parts and put in new ones to make sure the console works properly.

Long-Term Solution and Warranty

When these defective MOSFETs are replaced, we will include a one-year warranty to give you confidence and peace of mind. The warranty covers both parts & labour.

Postal Option

Simple Postal Repair Service for Xbox One across the whole of UK With Royal Mail Drop and Collect
We look to make the repair as easy as possible, if you cannot make it to our Xbox One repair centre in Canterbury, you can still use our service, simply by taking advantage of our postal service.

White Light Fix

If your Xbox One, S, or X is having trouble and turns off with a white light, Atlantis can help with trustworthy repairs all over the UK. We know how to find and fix broken parts called MOSFETs, so your console keeps working .


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